Monday, October 26, 2009

DC day 2

We started our second day in DC at the National Zoo. Of course this zoo is famous for its giant pandas...

They were alright but we preferred the much smaller red pandas. They were much more active and really cute. Caitlin got a stuffed one and named him DC.

Most of the animals were out and active. The female lions were very entertaining, one crouched down and then pounced on the other one. I think Briann got it on video. I will try to post that, I haven't tried posting video before. We might have had a little too much fun with all the animal statues. Here are just a few.... Caitlin trying to catch a prarie dog...

...Andee trying to find her handsome prince...( frogs are her favorite animal and green is her favorite color)

....and fianlly Briann staring down the Silverback..... The gorillas were interesting too. One of them had a stick he was using to stick in an ant hill and then eating the ants off of it, like it was a spoon.

I intended for this photo to be first. Here we are at the entrance to the zoo. It was the hottest, muggiest day of our vacation but I guess it had been long enough since we went to a zoo that none of the kids could really remember going to one, so they really never got tired here.

After a lunch break we were off to our second museum, American History. We really liked this one and could have spent at least a whole day here. We chose this museum in part, to see the ruby slippers...

We saw lots of fun things and only visited about a quarter of the museum. Since I really don't like visiting the dentist, I really appreciateed this scary looking dentist torture device.

Before we left I actually flipped through a museum pamphlet and discovered the star spangled banner exhibit. I went by myself at first. It turned out to be the highlight of my trip. I do not have a picture because they don't allow any kind of photography. But there it was, the actual flag that Francis Scott Key saw at Fort McHenry when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner. This is one of my favorite stories and it was an emotional experience to see it. I had to go drag the family back in to see it also. ( here is a photo I forgot last time. this is at the Korean War Memorial.)

1 comment:

brit said...

5 months pam, really?