Monday, April 19, 2010


Our winter began by attending Cami and Josh's graduation from University of Idaho. Josh got a job with an accounting firm in Spokane so they moved from Moscow to Coeur d'Alene. They are expecting their first baby in April.

Here's Garret at the Christmas concert.

Ethan loves playing his trumpet. It is probably his favorite activity. He would eventually like to play it in college.

New Year's Day was Caitlin's baptism. Hard to believe my baby is 8. Grandma Peanut and Grumpy came out for her baptism and some basketball games.

Here's all the family that showed up. (Rory and Kathy and family)

Caitlin had her dad baptize her even though she was a little concerned that he would goof off. He didn't!

Ethan and Garret are excited for basketball to start!!!

It is Ethan's final year.

On Senior night we all gave him his favorite treat, Mountain Dew and a Dharma sweatshirt.
(that is a Lost reference for those who don't watch Lost. Ethan is a huge fan)

Here he is getting some air against the team that eventually won the state championship.
He had a great year.

Garret's favorite sport is basketball. He had a great freshman year.

Threeeee! Garret worked on his shooting all last summer, making at least 10000 points during the summer.

Garret had a goal to dunk when he was a freshman. Here his is proving that he can.

Here's Andee chillin' at a basketball game, she has cute freckles.
(since I added this picture Andee has informed me that she hates it)

Caitlin just hanging around at the ball games. She gets really tired of going to all the games but I don't think she's quite as miserable as she pretends to be.

See she is smiling!

Sometimes you can actually have fun at games.
Thanks for the ride Taylor!

Andee started playing basketball on the middle school team this year. She loves being involved.

Pretty good follow through, Andee.

As basketball season was ending we attended around 15 games in 11 days.
Now we don't know what to do with ourselves for entertainment.
Guess we'll wait for the next season to begin.


brit said...

glad to see what you have been up to! don't wait 7 months to do it again.

The Wendt Wagon said...

Wow~~ You are super busy, and way to young to be a grandma. You will just have to be called Nana or G or something like that. I loved catching up on your family. I agree, keep the posts coming. Andee's Freckles are so adorable.